Monday 7 May 2012

Tit Bits I: Freewill

Joe writes:    
Question 1: Can the blessed in Heaven sin?


If a person or being has freewill, then truly they can choose their own course of action and in so doing can choose sinful acts that justify the happy ending.

The sinless or immaculate souls could sin by virtue of freewill given the circumstance and capacity to choose; otherwise they would be miserably limited in their freedom.


The blessed in Heaven have their choices liberated and in their unlimited choices can only choose the good. Imagine two twelve year old boys with Tim from a poor background and John from a rich family. They both love video games and when allowed to raid Musica Tim's dad says I only have R80 and John's dad says here is my credit card buy anything you want. Tim looks for the cheapest and interesting but older game and finding none chooses to buy a set of blank DVDs so as to copy from John's collection. Thus Tim ends up with the same games but 'pirated' and John has genuine official copies. (more examples will work here ...)

Answer 1:

John is unlimited in his choices so he thinks not of pirating but Tim if he is undisciplined can resort to pirating. In the same way to choose the sinful is not freedom but rather limited freedom and capacity for the good. The blessed in Heaven have acquired the ultimate good, the possession of the unlimited God Almighty, they are confirmed in grace and thus share in the God who needs nothing but is the unlimited giver of goodness. They have their freewill liberated by the immediate Beatific Vision and united in the supreme goodness of God Almighty so whatever they desire is one with the Will of God.


To sin is not freedom but rather bondage in the wiles of evil, that is why evil is depicted always by the pitch black emptiness or the abyss because it is poverty in goodness.

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