Monday 19 September 2011

Death And Catholic Church Teaching

My wife is an organ donor. I am not! I have always been against her being an organ donor. The funny thing is that, while I have always been anti organ donation, I now find myself in a position where I require a lung transplant. God certainly does work in mysterious ways.

The reason that I have always been unhappy about my wife being an organ donor is because of my concerns that doctors may be quicker to declare her dead, than they would otherwise, if they know they will be able to use her organs for other patients. Organ transplants are apparently a very lucrative business for some doctors. Now my dilemma is no longer only about my wife's life but also about whether another patient may be declared dead too early, for the sake of getting a pair of lungs for my lung transplant.

Anyway, I now spend quite a bit of time surfing the web researching the subject of organ transplants. Here is a post that I came across today that did nothing but further complicate the subject and increase my concerns about the matter . . . read it here

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