Sunday, 11 December 2011

Archbishop Urges Non-Believing Catholics To Leave Church

Three cheers for the Archbishop of Dublin. Hip, hip, hooray!

Diarmuid Martin, the Archbishop of Dublin, has urged non-believing Catholics to have the maturity to leave the Church in an RTE documentary, ‘Would You Believe it’? Read at source, or below:
[My Inserts in Bold]

“It requires maturity on those people who want their children to become members of the church community and maturity on those people who say ‘I don’t believe in God and I really shouldn’t be hanging on to the vestiges of faith when I don’t really believe in it’.” [ABSOLUTELY]

The Irish Times reports:

‘ The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, has urged the country’s lapsed Catholics to have the maturity to leave the church. [PLEASE] Over the past two decades, rising numbers of ‘a la carte’ Catholics simply turn up at the altar for the sacraments like baptism, communion and marriage.

But in a new documentary on the future of the church, priests reveal they will expect a firmer commitment from their flock in the future. [ABOUT TIME] It shows how church pews swell to almost full capacity for celebratory sacraments, while Sunday services have dwindling numbers. Archbishop Martin urged non-believers to walk away from the church.

Fr Michael Drumm, from the Catholic Schools Partnership, said the church would be getting firmer with parents looking to have their children baptised as a Catholic.

Archbishop Martin also said the church was anxious to start parting ways from some of its Catholic schools. [NEED TO PRACTICE OUR FAITH NOT JUST TAKE THE NAME BECAUSE ITS CONVENIENT AND ENABLES THEM TO CHARGE MORE. ARE YOU LISTENING SA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS?] "It can’t be done overnight. There is still a very strong demand for Catholic education.”

Protect the Pope comment: The majority of baptisms, marriages and confirmations are bestowed on nominal Catholics, who do not believe, who do not participate in the Mass and who are not members of our parishes. This not only cheapens our sacraments but also makes a mockery of our beliefs. [YES IT CERTAINLY DOES!] The Archbishop of Dublin has rightly urged them to have the maturity to admit to themselves and other Catholics that they don’t believe in God, and don’t have a relationship with Christ.

The only caveat Protect the Pope would add is have these non-believing Catholics heard the true and full Faith of the Church, or have they only heard the travesty of the Faith invented by liberal bishops, priests and catechists over the past forty years? It could be that these non-believing Catholics have not rejected the Catholic Faith but only the modernist heresy masquerading as the Catholic faith. [VERY TRUE. BIGGEST ENEMY OF THE CHURCH RIGHT NOW MUST BE THE MODERNISTS!]

If this is the truth of the matter, then instead of asking them to have the maturity to leave the Church, its necessary to truly evangelize them.[i] [UNTIL THEY REALISE THEY ARE MISSING SOMETHING IT IS POINTLESS TRYING TO EVANGELISE THEM. MOST CATHOLICS BELIEVE THEY ARE PERFECTLY NORMAL CATHOLICS BECAUSE ITS BEING TOLERATED EVERYWHERE.]

1 comment:


    I get this attitude when I defend the reception of communion kneeling on and on the tongue - "But no one else is doing it ...." It's actually amazing how unbelievably hot under the collar people get about this subject.
