Thursday, 27 March 2014

Obama: Let's talk about sex baby

Pope Francis meets President Obama
Photo: The Obama Diary
So today was the day. The day on which President Barack Obama eventually got to meet His Holiness Pope Francis for the first time.

Judging by the tweets flowing from the liberals in the Church, the libs seemed to be beside themselves with excitement, hastily speculating about how the meeting had gone between Pope Francis and President Obama, while drawing on every morsel of information that they could find to fuel their predictions.

Of course, like me, I am sure that you know that there really is only one thing that the liberals and the media want to know about today’s meeting. They want to know whether President Obama and Pope Francis discussed sex, i.e. same sex marriage and contraception?

Nothing else is of real importance to them. . .

Don't believe me. Well take this tweet by one of the journos from National Catholic Reporter as an example . . .

Maybe that’s why President Obama has that supercilious grin in many of the photos of him first meeting the Pope. The President probably knows that the subject of sex is going to come up and he is probably feeling exceptionally uncomfortable about having to discuss it. Poor guy. Can you blame him. He is defending an indefensible position and having to look the pope in the eye.

While I was looking at these two photos below and cogitating the tweets flying around about the meeting, the lyrics to that song by Salt-N-Pepa popped into my head. So there I was looking at the these two photos while the lyrics to that song played over and over in my head of the President singing to the Pope . . .

Let's talk about sex baby . . . 

 Let's talk about you and me . . .

Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be ...

Okay it was funny at the time.

Anyway, enough of that. I am sure that before long we will receive feedback about the conversation that took place between Pope Francis and President Obama. If sex was discussed, believe me it is going to be analysed to death.

Oh by the way, if anyone doesn't remember the song that I have playing in my head, it's from 1991. I have included the video below. Its far more entertaining than listening to the liberals and the media working themselves into a complete frenzy over sex.

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